Digital Crisis Management

From mass casualty incidents to natural disasters, no individual or organization is invulnerable to a crisis. We help organizations prepare for, respond to, and recover from various high-stakes situations such as active shooter events, revenge campaigns, and natural disasters. Our offering in this arena is exclusively digital. We work closely with legal counsel, grief and trauma experts, and media professionals to supplement mainstream crisis communications initiatives in a timely manner, working 24/7 to ensure that client needs are met.



Galore Consulting provides social media listening to organizations in crisis. Threat monitoring solutions are customized by trained Intel Analysts with Boolean keywords to target for relevant threats and include niche industry platforms such as forums, secure message boards, and groups. We also track the activity of extremist and hate groups on the dark web for organizations and individuals facing life threats. Crisis clients receive near-real-time alerts about incoming issues with analysis that identifies antagonists and solutions that mitigate the crisis as it unfolds on and offline. 

Online Investigations 

As a leading digital intelligence firm, Galore Consulting has significant experience conducting online investigations across industries. Whether you're a business leader being attacked online or an executive with a privacy breach impacting your security, we help identify antagonists and work closely with attorneys to provide litigation support.

Competitor Analysis

Organizations need defined goals to execute impactful digital campaigns and make real-time business decisions, which includes an assessment of competitors on social media. We provide clients with peer intelligence that allows organizations to move forward on a number of fronts, from crisis recovery initiatives to marketing, social media engagement to customer service.

Digital Privacy

Data breaches and identity theft are on the rise, and underscore the importance of having strong online privacy. Using proprietary databases, we conduct investigative research to find out what personal identifying information--e.g. addresses, phone numbers, names of relatives, and financial data--is available online, and execute effective privacy strategies that reduce client exposure. In addition, we provide quarterly privacy reports and threat monitoring services to ensure personal data remains offline. 

Executive Visibility

We offer ghostwritten content for executives in need of long-form thought pieces and news articles in their area of expertise. Galore Consulting utilizes a team of writers and journalists with deep industry experience. Our bylines have appeared in Ad Age, Media Biz Bloggers, Forbes, and International Investor, among other premier media outlets. We also work closely with PR firms and management consultancies to ensure Press Releases and media features are optimized to rank well online.